by Dustin Olsen | Jul 20, 2021 | & Brain Health, Dogs, Eye, Heart, Top Health Concerns, Video
Canine liver disease is dangerous but can be treated and managed. The liver is a vital organ for your dog as it helps with digestion, blood clotting, and removes toxins from the system. When it malfunctions or becomes diseased, it can make your best friend very Dustin Olsen | Nov 13, 2020 | & Brain Health, Cats, Dogs, Eye, Heart, Pet Supplements, Video
The concept of defending your dog or cat’s health is based on the scientific principles of preventive medicine — the things you can do to defend against serious health issues, delay the onset of age-related diseases, and extend the lifespan of your pet. Dustin Olsen | Sep 4, 2020 | Dogs, Immune Health, Top Health Concerns, Video
Finding a lump or sore on your dog can be scary as it could mean cancer. Canine cancer is one of the most common causes of death in middle age to older dogs. 10 years ago, statistics showed that 50% of all dogs over 10 years of age developed some form of cancer. Dustin Olsen | Apr 4, 2020 | & Brain Health, Dogs, Eye, Heart, Top Health Concerns, Video
Many dog owners are concerned about canine kidney failure. Kidney failure is one of those chronic degenerative diseases I call a normal age-related disease, in that kidney function always seems to decline with age in all animals. While kidney failure is most Dustin Olsen | Jan 5, 2020 | & Brain Health, Dogs, Eye, Heart, Top Health Concerns, Video
Canine brain disorders are very serious as the brain controls almost every function that occurs in the dog’s body. Brain disorders fall into three main categories: Inflammation or infection of the brain called encephalitis Cerebellar degeneration, where the...