by Clayton Bolinger | Feb 7, 2024 | Canine Behavior, Cognitive Health, Dogs, Uncategorized
While your dog’s in the midst of a deep sleep, have you ever observed them barking, twitching, or running in place? As you probably expected, dogs do indeed dream and these physical actions are all indicators of your canine in an active dreamlike state. Due to Clayton Bolinger | Dec 22, 2023 | Canine Behavior, Dogs
Dogs are notably man’s best friend; however, many canines have never learned how to properly greet other members of their own species. Dogs will all greet each other in an assortment of individual ways, which is why it’s important to consider your dog’s Clayton Bolinger | Oct 17, 2023 | Canine Behavior, Dogs, Eye, Heart, Eye, and Brain Health
Canines are known for their heightened sense of smell and sound, however, what about their vision? When compared to humans, do dogs have better eyesight? The answer is a mixed bag as dogs have a few beneficial vision aspects, however, humans overall have the Clayton Bolinger | Sep 13, 2023 | Canine Behavior, Dogs, Uncategorized
Dogs will lick their paws for a variety of reasons. It’s up to us as pet owners to discover the underlying cause, which will sometimes require a visit to the veterinarian. Paw licking can be a normal canine habit, such as when your furry friend grooms themselves; Clayton Bolinger | Aug 24, 2023 | Canine Behavior, Digestive Health, Dogs, Uncategorized
Roughly 79% of dogs will eat grass at some point in their lives. In fact, it’s so common for dogs to eat grass that it’s a natural characteristic observed in most wild dogs. Two widely held misconceptions are that dogs will eat grass if they have an upset stomach, and...