Canine brain disorders are very serious as the brain controls almost every function that
occurs in the dog’s body. Brain disorders fall into three main categories:
Canine distemper and rabies are the most common cause of encephalitis and dogs. Other
inflammatory brain disorders involve bacteria, foreign bodies, fungus, protozoans, and some
of the tick-borne organisms that can migrate into the brain. Infection with the canine herpes virus, either in utero or as a neonate, causes what is termed cerebellar degeneration in dogs.
A genetic predisposition for the condition is possible in a number of dog breeds. Brain
tumors affect young dogs, like the Boxer and Boston Terrier, and are usually seen in older
dogs. This is probably due to a diminished immune system which occurs as a dog ages. Secondary brain tumors result when cancer in some other part of the body metastasizes to the dog’s brain.