Maximum Health for Senior Cats
Dr. Bill’s Supplement Recommendations
“I have had many senior cats over the years. And when I say senior, some cats live well past 20. The record for the longest living cat goes to Crème Puff who made it all the way to 38! Taking care of our senior cats can be challenging. Issues like strange behavior, missing the litterbox, difficulty getting around, eye problems, and hearing loss. Plus dealing with more serious age-related diseases, like heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure, and cancer, can be difficult. Many of these senior diseases warrant the specialty care of a veterinarian; many of which have discovered that Animal Health Supplementation supports typical treatment modalities and can make a big difference.
“One major problem in seniors is the cat’s ability to digest and utilize specific ingredients steadily diminishes as they get older. This can contribute to the onset of both mental and/or physical problems. As cats age, every cell in their body needs a little less energy and a little more of the specialty ingredients that keep them healthy. There is no better way to provide these vital ingredients than to add one or more of my tried-and-true Animal Health Supplements to their daily health regimen.”
— Dr. Bill Barnett
Feline Ultimate Fitness & Health
The first product I recommend is my Feline Ultimate Fitness and Health to help ensure your cat is receiving everything they need to remain fit and healthy for as long as possible. Its unique formulation of 78 essential and specialty ingredients provide support for skin, hair coat, and eye health to mention just a few. We have a growing population of overweight senior cats. Ultimate Fitness & Health provides natural weight control a huge health benefit. Allowing a cat to remain overweight can easily lead to diabetes, heart disease, stomach and intestinal problems, kidney failure, and joint issues such as painful arthritis.
Feline Cognitive Support
Feline Cognitive Support can be a useful addition to Ultimate Fitness & Health if you are noticing negative changes in your senior cat’s behavior. Just like people, all cats will at some point experience mental decline. However, it has been shown that most cognitive dysfunction issues can be managed by replacing specific brain health ingredients. So, I recommend that all senior cats have Feline Cognitive Support added to their daily health regimen. By providing the specific 36 ingredients that feed the brain, thousands of cat owners have been delighted to discover that they were able to slow, and in many cases even reverse, the progression of cognitive dysfunction and keep their senior cat purring for a long, long time.
Feline Complete Joint Care
Another supplement I regularly recommend to the owners of senior cats is my Feline Complete Joint Care. Feline arthritis is a common problem for many older cats. The active life of a cat can result in multiple injuries to the joints and skeletal system. These injuries become arthritic over time which can be painful and often crippling. I have developed a super product for dealing with senior feline arthritis. My Feline Complete Joint Care provides 44 active ingredients, everything needed to slow the progression of arthritis and strengthen support structures like ligaments, tendons and muscles in addition to supporting the restructuring of damaged cartilage adding comfort to the remaining years of a cat’s life.
More Senior Cat Supplements We Recommend
When it comes to the many different types of cancer, a strong immune system and preventing excessive numbers of free radicals can go a long way towards eliminating or slowing their progress. That’s why I recommend my Feline Immune Support product for senior cats. This product can truly make a difference. It is 100% natural, has absolutely no side effects, and thousands of people have found that they can add years to the life of their senior cat.
Feline Immune Support
Feline Immune Support provides a critical nutritional element for all senior cats. Overall immunity gradually diminishes over time, making senior cats susceptible to infectious diseases. Enhancing the innate immune system can help seniors compensate for the decrease in their overall immune capability. The innate immune system can seek out and destroy invading pathogenic organisms before they have a chance to develop into infectious disease.
Feline Digestive Support
Senior cats often lose weight, muscle mass, strength, and the desire to do anything except sleep. This is because as a cat gets older, its ability to digest and utilize nutrients becomes more challenging. Feline Digestive Support provides digestive enzymes especially balanced for the cat along with billions of helpful intestinal bacteria (probiotics) to help the senior cat maintain gut integrity and the ability to remain healthier and younger at heart. It also contains a proprietary blend of feline enzymes that will help dissolve those nasty hairballs.
Feline Optimum Skin & Coat
The skin and coat are tied to nutrient absorption and utilization, so it is easy to see why so many senior cats have itchy skin and poor coats. They are no longer able to digest all of the essential nutrients that keep them fit and trim, so as cats age, they need increased nutrition, yet fewer calories. Feline Optimum Skin & Coat provides all of the extra nutrients needed to maintain healthy skin and coats and has been a favorite recommendation of veterinarians across America for decades.
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