Maximum Health for Injured & Recovering Dogs
Dr. Bill’s Supplement Recommendations

“Often dogs who are sick, injured or recovering from surgery will reduce their intake of food or stop eating all together (anorexia). What anorexia really means is that the dog is not getting the essential and specialty ingredients their bodies need in order to function properly. Because dogs are carnivores, a single day without the essential amino acids that must come from ingesting high-quality protein will cause the dog to enter into negative nitrogen balance (losing muscle or organ tissue faster than rebuilding it). Another way of describing this serious condition is that tissue breakdown now exceeds tissue repair — just the opposite of what you want if rapid recovery is your goal.
“So, what is the best way to deal with anorexia? The concentration and balance of Canine Ultimate Fitness & Health makes it the ideal solution.”
Canine Ultimate Fitness & Health
A single scoop of Canine Ultimate Fitness & Health contains 53% high biological value protein with a balance of all ten essential amino acids, all essential vitamins & minerals, 31 specialty nutrients, and only 26 calories. This combination of 83 active ingredients was shown to maintain nitrogen equilibrium, eliminate muscle loss, and shorten recovery time following a major surgical operation in a research study conducted at Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine. For this scientific study, Ultimate Fitness & Health was mixed with water and tube fed for two weeks post surgically. At home you can feed your recovering dog by mixing this delicious powder with warm water to make a tasty protein rich broth and syringing it directly into the dog’s mouth. If the dog is drinking freely, simply mix the dosage into the dog’s drinking water. If eating, this delicious powder can be sprinkled onto whatever food the dog will eat.
Canine Digestive Support
Like puppies, adult dogs also like to eat all kinds of things like poisonous plants, snails, rocks, sticks, toys, even garbage. This often results in stomach or intestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. One product you might want to keep on hand is my Canine Digestive Support. It can sooth those stomach problems and the billions of helpful pre and probiotic cultures can repopulate the lost micro-flora stabilizing the intestinal tract once again for optimum gut health.
Canine Immune Support
Prolonged illness and injury can wear down the immune system leaving a dog more susceptible to additional threats from such intruders as yeast, mold, fungi, bacteria, viruses, or parasites. The 41 active ingredients in Canine Immune Support can be greatly beneficial to sick or recovering dogs. It provides a highly patented, long-chain Beta Glucan that revs up the innate immune system, the dog’s first line of defense against all disease-causing organisms.
More Injured & Recovering Dog Supplements We Recommend
Canine Cognitive Support
If your ill or recovering dog is a senior dog, the stresses of illness or injury can bring on behaviors that could indicate the beginning of cognitive decline. Should any signs of dementia be present, I recommend starting my Canine Cognitive Support as soon as possible. Proactive supplementation is always faster and cheaper than trying to recover after a more serious decline has already started.
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