Indoor Games to Keep Your Dog Entertained on Rainy Days

Dec 17, 2024 | Canine Behavior, Dogs | 0 comments

Games for dogs

Dogs are naturally energetic creatures that require an abundance of outside time, however, whether it’s because of a rainy day, stormy weather, or even post-surgery reasons, owners will occasionally find themselves stuck at home with a dog that yearns for the great outdoors. Finding things to do with your furry friend inside is easy as long as you’re prepared. Keep reading below to learn an assortment of ideas and games that you can engage your dog with to make sure they don’t grow bored or destructive on indoor rainy days.

Indoor Activities for Dogs

Here are our top 8 indoor activities to engage your dog with on a rainy day:

  • Classic Play:  Canines love to play with their owners, so just getting down on the floor with them and rough-housing around is a great way to burn out both of your energy meters. This may be easier to do with one of their favorite toys that you can play Tug-a-War with. Also consider playing Hide-and-Seek with your dog as a way to engage their brain. Finally, once you’re burnt out from all that play, break out one of their favorite puzzle game to keep your dog entertained.
  • Sniffing Game:  Dogs primarily engage with our world through their nose, so playing some ’nose work’ games are a great way to keep them on their toes. We recommend you play Find-the-Treat, which is a game where you hide a few of their favorite treats in nooks and crannies around the house and let your dog sniff them out.
  • Touch Up on Old Tricks:  Life’s busy for all of us, that’s why a rainy day is a perfect situation to brush up on your furry friend’s old tricks. Sit, Stay, Down, and maybe even Roll Over, get your old dusty clicker out and see how well your dog has remembered some of their most basic tricks.
  • Teach Your Dog New Tricks:  It’s incredible what dogs can learn given a bit of time and patience. Now’s a perfect opportunity to teach your canine more advanced tricks such as giving high fives, spinning around in circles, and even cleaning up after themselves by putting their toys away.
  • Schedule a Doggy Play Date:  Now’s a great time to invite your furry friend’s best doggy pal over for a play date. Make sure that neither dog is territorial of the space or is resource guarding, and let them tire each other out! For this step, we recommend sectioning them off to either a specific area of the house or a safe garage so that they can play without breaking anything or hurting themselves.
  • Groom them Thoroughly:  A rainy day is a perfect excuse to spoil your canine pal with a spa day. Give them a bath with dog shampoo and conditioner, trim their nails, brush their teeth, comb them, and remove all their shedding fur so that they’re clean from head to toe!
  • Blow Bubbles:  Most dogs are fascinated with bubbles and blowing them is simultaneously a low effort activity for you. Once you begin blowing bubbles, we’re fairly certain your dog will start chasing them.
  • Set Up an Indoor Obstacle Course:  Doubling as an agility course, setting up an indoor obstacle course is both a bunch of work and a lot of fun. Grab some milk crates and chairs, put a blanket over them to create some passageways, combine household objects together and you got yourself a fun indoor obstacle course for both you and your dog!

Dr. Bill’s Canine Behavior Support

For dogs who are inside and, despite all the indoor games you’ve played with them, are still choosing to be destructive, maybe it’s time to introduce them to Dr. Bill’s Canine Behavior Support.  Our Canine Behavior Support provides 35-essential ingredients to support a calm demeanor and a healthy stimuli response. Behavior Support has also been shown to be helpful during periods of stress, such as altering behavior response during moments when they may be stuck indoors.

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