Health Concerns
While your dog’s in the midst of a deep sleep, have you ever observed them barking, twitching, or running in place? As you probably expected, dogs do indeed dream and these physical actions are ...
Sometimes It may be difficult to determine whether your cat’s behavior is normal or an indicator of underlying health problems, which is particularly the case when it comes to feline drool. ...
The Ragdoll name is derived from a behavior that this breed is well-known for, which is relaxing to the point of floppiness while being petted. Making ideal family pets, Ragdoll's make wonderful ...
Dogs are notably man’s best friend; however, many canines have never learned how to properly greet other members of their own species. Dogs will all greet each other in an assortment of ...
The holidays are the most festive time of the year for you and your family, until your cat decides that your carefully decorated tree is their play toy. Your feisty feline may look up at the ...
Often called Berners, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a large, loving, furry, and sturdy breed. While these canines play nicely with every member of your family, there are a few caveats to consider ...
Canine joint pain, while more common in senior canines, can truthfully affect any breed at any age. If left untreated, joint pain can unfortunately lead to a variety of more serious health ...
Have you ever been gazing into your cat’s stunning reflective eyes and wondered how they see the world? Felines are known for their incredible ability to sniff out cat food, or become alert at ...
Canines are known for their heightened sense of smell and sound, however, what about their vision? When compared to humans, do dogs have better eyesight? The answer is a mixed bag as dogs have a ...