The holidays are the most festive time of the year for you and your family, until your cat decides that your carefully decorated tree is their play toy. Your feisty feline may look up at the Christmas tree and see a safe opportunity to climb high and hide in its...
Making biscuits is an entirely normal activity for most cats. No, we aren’t referring to cats as busy biscuit bakers, although “making biscuits” is a term used to describe when felines knead. Kneading is a common activity that can be observed when a cat rhythmically...
First off, congratulations on your new cat! While this is a celebratory moment for you, it’s most likely an overwhelming transitional moment for your new furry feline. Cats are commonly referred to as creatures of habit, so being introduced to a whole new environment...
The age-old question on whether if dogs or cats are more intelligent has historically been left up to debate. In addition, due to society’s inclination to categorize ourselves as “cat-people” or “dog-people”, it’s difficult for personal bias to not enter the argument....
As many have witnessed, typical house-cats often exhibit odd behaviors that can come off as puzzling to their owners. Following relaxed moments of calm petting, it’s common for felines to abruptly bite their owners and dart to a secluded room of the house. While we...